Category Archives: Inexpensive PC/Laptop

Inexpensive PC Programe

Proyek OLTP adalah sebuah proyek mulia yang dicetuskan oleh Prof. Nicholas Negroponte dari MIT untuk mendonasikan sebuah Laptop bagi anak2 di negara berkembang dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan.Inisiatif Prof. Negroponte ini diumumkan di World Economic Forum tahun 2005, dengan dukungan dari AMD, Google, Brightstar dan Red Hat. Pada bulan Desember 2005 Quanta Computer bersedia memproduksi OLPC seharga US$200. Produksi massal OLPC baru dimulai November 2007 ini, sebab pencarian dana kurang mendapat response dari banyak negara.Untuk menanggulangi masalah dana ini Yayasan OLPC (Foundation) membuat program selama bulan November 2007 penjualan OLPC dengan merek XO seharga US$399, dengan cara “Buy One Donate One”, yaitu pembeli beli US$399, dapat satu OLPC XO, dan satu lagi di-donasikan ke seorang anak di negara berkembang. Jadi uang yang US$200 dipakai untuk beli OLPC XO bagi anak miskin di negara2 berkembang. Iklan tentang OLPC XO ini dapat dilihat di website XO ini telah mendapatkan sertifikasi keamanan dari beberapa negara, dan saat ini dapat dijual secara legal AS, Kanada, Uruguay, Peru dan beberapa negara lainnya. Sertifikasi dari European Union akan didapat pada minggu depan.Terkait dengan program OLPC Prof. Negroponte ini, melalui forum ini saya ingin menanyakan bagaimanakah kelanjutan dari Flagship DeTIKNas #11 “Cheap PC”? Apakah masih akan dilanjutkan ataukah telah dihapus dari program kerja DeTIKNas?

Kalau dihapus, kami sangat menyayangkan hal ini. Namun kalau masih ada, silahkan di sosialisasikan kepada masyarakat luas, agar bila diperlukan dukungan pendanaan, dapat digalang dari masyarakat mampu atau perusahaan besar, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan OLPC Prof. Negroponte di AS, dengan cara “Buy One Donate One”

Tentu saja tidak harus pakai produk Quanta Computer merek XO ex Taiwan, tetapi bisa saja produksi Laptop murah karya anak2 bangsa, seperti gPC Everex yang saya posting di milis beberapa hari yang lalu.

Untuk menekan biaya, dapat dipakai Open Source software, seperti gOS yg berbasis Ubuntu v.7.10 dan aplikasi-aplikasi Open Office dan Firefox yang gratis.

Silahkan ditanggapi dan dicarikan solusinya.

— berikut ini Pengalaman Prof. Negroponte, masukan dari pak Rudy Rusdiah—

OLPC fires back at Intel, children learn nothing
Posted by Tom Krazit

Nick Negroponte, founder and chairman of the One Laptop Per Child
project, came out swinging at Intel on Friday, one day after the
chipmaker decided to leave the group.

The OLPC’s goal of bringing low-cost technology to children in
developing countries apparently conflicts with Intel’s goal of running
a business. Even though the two agreed to put aside their differences
in July, it’s pretty clear that they never actually became friends.

“We at OLPC have been disappointed that Intel did not deliver on any
of the promises they made when they joined OLPC; while we were hopeful
for a positive, collaborative relationship, it never materialized,”
Negroponte said in a statement distributed by the OLPC on Friday.

Intel cited “fundamental differences” in describing its exit from the
group Thursday; this appears to be the classic “creative musical
differences” breakup.

Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of the OLPC
(Credit: OLPC)

Quite simply, Negroponte wanted Intel to stop selling its Classmate
laptop in regions where he was trying to sell the XO laptop. “Intel
continued to disparage the XO laptop in developing nations that had
already decided to partner with OLPC (Uruguay and Peru), with
countries that were in the midst of choosing a laptop solution (Brazil
and Nigeria), and even small and remote places (Mongolia),” Negroponte

Intel has never been shy about its desire to sell the Classmate PC as
one of many possible products for the developing world, and that seems
to have offended Negroponte. “As we said in the past, we view the
children as a mission; Intel views them as a market.”

But Negroponte also said Intel’s version of the XO laptop just wasn’t
that good. “The best Intel could offer in regards to an “Intel inside”
XO laptop was one that would be more expensive and consume more
power–exactly the opposite direction of OLPC’s stated mandate and
vision,” Negroponte said.

An Intel representative declined to comment on the cost or power
consumption of any chips slated for the XO laptop, which currently
uses a Geode processor made by Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices.

And so it goes. It’s always heartening to see two organizations
disparage each other over who has the more appropriate vision for
saving the world through technology–which assumes, of course, that
notion is even possible.

Few would argue that it’s a bad idea to connect students in
impoverished lands to the outside world, but should they use custom
laptops designed specifically for their needs, running open-source
software and free from the Microsoft monopoly? Should they have access
to the same technology that’s available at Best Buy, but at a more
reasonable price? Would all this time and effort be better spent on
technology infrastructure in some of these nations?

Negroponte seems to think that because he’s running a nonprofit with a
“mission,” he’s entitled to a lock on the developing world and that
the XO laptop is the only thing that can bridge the digital divide.
That, of course, is preposterous; competition between firms is what
improves products and brings down costs over time, and to expect Intel
and other companies to just pass on burgeoning demand for computers in
developing countries is pretty naive.

But I agree with Charlie Demerjian over at The Inquirer: the tone of
this squabble is beneath Intel. Negroponte’s project is
well-intentioned, and the XO isn’t a terrible product. Sure, he
doesn’t seem to really understand how to run a business venture, and
he seems to have a bit of a messianic complex, but he really is trying
to improve the lives of poor children.

The developing world needs more than one laptop. The folks at the OLPC
do not have a divine right to sell laptops to poor cities and towns,
and Intel isn’t winning a lot of PR points by slamming a nonprofit.

And maybe, just maybe, some enterprising engineer in one of those
developing countries might actually come up with their own idea for a
laptop best suited for the needs of their people.

What are Intel and the OLPC going to do then, belittle the first
homegrown laptop designer in Mongolia? Perhaps the best way to help
developing countries get in on the technology revolution is to teach
them how to design–not merely assemble–their own products, rather
than coming to them from lofty perches in Cambridge and Santa Clara
saying, “Don’t worry, we know best.”

Intel leaves the OLPC after dispute
Posted by Tom Krazit

Well, that was short: Intel has announced it is leaving the One Laptop
Per Child project.

The news, first reported Thursday by The Wall Street Journal in an
e-mail alert, comes just six months after Intel and OLPC founder Nick
Negroponte agreed to settle their differences and join forces, united
in their goal to bring computing power to emerging nations. The
breakup comes after Negroponte apparently wasn’t willing to share
Intel with others.

Khaled Hassounah, director of the OLPC in Africa and the Middle East,
demonstrates an XO laptop to a classroom of students in Nigeria.
(Credit: Ahmad Dan-Hamidu)

According to Intel, Negroponte asked the chipmaker to stop selling its
Classmate PC while it was part of the OLPC, which is currently
shipping its XO laptop based on a chip from AMD. The Classmate PC was
one of the sources of friction between Negroponte and Intel before
they joined forces in July. Negroponte went on 60 Minutes in May and
accused Intel of dumping Classmate PCs below cost in order to keep
OLPCs out of the hands of needy children.

Intel and OLPC were working on an Intel-based version of the XO
laptop, according to Agnes Kwan, an Intel spokeswoman, but the OLPC
insisted that Intel end its production of the Classmate PC. Even more
surprising, Intel is saying that the OLPC actually asked the chipmaker
to stop working with any company that produces low-cost laptops, such
as Asus’ Eee PC.

“We have said for a long time that we don’t believe there will be one
single solution” for getting laptops in the hands of poor children,
Kwan said. “There are some basic fundamental differences in our

It was nighttime in frigid Cambridge, Mass., home of the OLPC when the
news broke. No one answered the phone at the company headquarters, and
an e-mail to public relations representatives seeking comment on
Intel’s allegations was not immediately returned.

Intel’s Classmate PC
(Credit: Michael Kanellos/CNET

If this went down the way Intel is claiming, Negroponte’s move is
baffling. The OLPC project hasn’t exactly been a huge success, but the
goal is noble, and the “Give One, Get One” program seemed to generate
some interest among tech-savvy do-gooders.

But the move sort of reminds me of NBC’s Jeff Zucker, demanding a cut
of iPod revenue in return for selling NBC shows through iTunes at
Apple’s pricing terms. Did the OLPC really think Intel would stop
supplying other companies with low-cost chips simply because it asked?
It would be sort of like if Dell asked Intel to stop selling HP and
Apple Core 2 Duo chips, simply because Dell thought its latest XPS
laptop was a more righteous product.

I’ll update if I hear back from the OLPC, because it’s quite possible
there’s much more to this story.
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